(Webinar) Strategies to Capture Expiring Funds & Sole Source Contracts
Tue, Aug 08
|Register: david.b.miller@ttu.edu
This webinar provides an overview of federal fiscal law and regulations, socio economic program, and sole source authorities and procedures. Free for clients. Not one? Contact us to become one today.

Time & Location
Aug 08, 2023, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM CDT
Register: david.b.miller@ttu.edu
About the event
This webinar provides an overview of federal fiscal law and regulations, socio economic program, and sole source authorities and procedures. Additionally, it provides insight into how to use these authorities to develop marketing and contracting strategies to capture the government’s fiscal year fourth quarter and expiring funds contract opportunities.
In this training, you will learn about:
fiscal law and appropriations
federal government funding policies
The life of government appropriations
program reprogramming and transfer authorities
the government’s other than full and open competition and socio-economic program sole source authorities
letter contract and undefinitized contractual action (UCA) regulations and authorities
strategies to capture fiscal year fourth quarter and expiring funds contract opportunities
INSTRUCTOR: JEFF CUSKEY, Consultant & Expert Witness
Jeff Cuskey has over 34 years of experience in federal and defense acquisition and contracting. He is a nationally known government procurement consultant, speaker, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program and Defense Contracting expert witness, and two-time Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (APTAC) Economic Impact Award recipient. Over his extensive professional career, he has provided contracting advice to thousands of clients, covering a broad range of complex government contracting topics and issues. While serving in the U.S. Navy, Jeff held various leadership, acquisition, and contracting positions, including assignments as the Navy’s multi-billion-dollar F/A-18 Strike Fighter Program Business Financial Manager (CFO) and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Deputy Contracting Officer. After retiring from the Navy at the rank of Commander, he taught defense-focused MBA acquisition and contracting, fiscal law and regulations, and program management courses at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Monterey, CA. Jeff has an MS degree in Acquisition and Contract Management from NPS and is a Certified Professional Contracts Manager (CPCM), Certified Federal Contracts Manager (CFCM), Certified Schedules Contracts Manager (CSCM), and Certified Procurement Professional (CPP). In 2020 APTAC recognized Jeff as its Betty McDonald Outstanding Member Achievement Awardee for his significant contributions and deep commitment not just to the procurement profession but also to the APTAC organization, its members, and his supported large and small business contracting clients.